“Swift waved and high-fived with her red-gloved right hand, complementing her ensemble with a red puffer jacket adorned with ‘Kelce’ and his ’87’ jersey number sewn onto the front, back, and sleeves.”
The 12-time Grammy winner, 34, was spotted interacting with her fellow spectators on Saturday during the Kansas City Chiefs’ game against the Miami Dolphins. The Chiefs won 26-7.
Despite the frigid temperatures that dipped below zero degrees, making it one of the coldest games in NFL history, Swift smiled and greeted a group of Chiefs fans while she took in the on-field action.
In her warm outfit, the “Anti-Hero” singer was seen high-fiving people from her box seat window. One fan was even wearing a jacket emblazoned with “Swift” and “89,” a nod to Swift’s 1989 birth year and album name.