Prince Harry was spotted in front of the car seat as Duke of Westminster and his wife Olivia leave their wedding ceremony at Chester Cathedral.

Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson


Prince Harry was spotted in front of the car seat as Duke of Westminster and his wife Olivia leave their wedding ceremony at Chester Cathedral.


Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson

In an unexpected appearance, Prince Harry was seen attending the wedding of the Duke of Westminster and his wife Olivia at Chester Cathedral. The Duke of Sussex was spotted standing alone, waiting for the newlyweds to depart the ceremony.

The Duke of Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, is a close friend of Prince Harry’s, and it is believed that their friendship was a significant factor in the Prince’s decision to attend the wedding. The two were seen chatting and laughing together during the ceremony, and Prince Harry was even spotted sharing a few words with the bride, Olivia.

Prince Harry’s appearance at the wedding was a surprise to many, as he has been keeping a relatively low profile since his departure from royal duties. However, his friendship with the Duke of Westminster is well-known, and it is clear that their bond is strong.

The wedding was a grand affair, with many members of the aristThere was a problem generating a response. Please try again later.