Serena Williams is a proud girl mom!The tennis legend, 42, has revealed that her eldest daughter Olympia is “navigating” being an older sister. Williams and her tech entrepreneur husband Alexis Ohanian welcomed their second daughter Adira in August.”She’s navigating it. She loves it,” Williams told Entertainment Tonight at the 2023 CFDA Fashion Awards in New York City on Monday. “Adira’s like a tiny little baby, so Olypmia just calls her her little sis.”
Per Entertainment Tonight, Williams revealed that Olympia “prayed for a sister.” However, the athlete added that she herself felt slightly anxious before the birth of her second child, fearing that she wouldn’t be able to like someone else as much as she loved Olympia.Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE’s free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer, from juicy celebrity news to compelling human interest stories
“I was worried. I was like, ‘OK, I don’t know if I can like anyone as much as I love Olympia,'” Williams explained. “I was really nervous about that. But I feel like it all worked out.”Williams received the Fashion Icon Award at the ceremony which was held at the American Museum of Natural History. The star wore a black sequin dress designed by CFDA Chairman Thom Browne accessorized with David Yurman jewelry.
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“Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve used fashion as an outlet to express myself — fashion gave me the confidence to step on the court and own who I was, and where I knew I was going,” Williams told the CFDA ahead of the show.Other stars who have won the Fashion Icon Award include Beyoncé, Zendaya and Naomi Campbell.
Williams’ fashionable night out comes after she shared a workout snap last month alongside Olympia last month. “Olympia watching me try to get my ab muscles working again,” Williams wrote at the time. “Here comes fitness!”