Travis Kelce has joined his pop-superstar-significant-other Taylor Swift at the top of the Billboard charts.”The guy on the Chiefs'” collaboration track with brother Jason Kelce, “Fairytale Of Philadelphia,” has risen to #1 on the Rock Digital Song Sales and Holiday Digital Song Sales charts two weeks after its debut, Billboard reported Tuesday.
The duet single, in which the brothers reworked the lyrics of The Pogues’ song from the ’80s, “Fairytale of New York,” is featured on a forthcoming charity Christmas album by Eagles offensive linemen Jason Kelce, Lane Johnson and Jordan Mailata. It’s “a tale of two brothers whose love for each other withstands the test of time,” according to the album’s Instagram account.
“That song was fun. That song was actually pretty sweet, man. I enjoyed doing it. The guys, the team, came out and hung out with me in Kansas City for a few hours and we knocked it out,” Travis said on the Oct. 25 episode of the brothers’ “New Heights” podcas
He added, “(I’m) not saying it was good by any means. I’m just saying they made it sound extremely better than what I felt like I left that studio thinking. I was like, ‘They’re gonna not use this at all; I don’t know.'”