Travis Kelce Dodges Taylor Swift Marriage Talk In GMA Interview — Because He’s Living ‘In The Present’

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift


Travis Kelce isn’t giving ANY clues on when (or if) he might pop the question!


Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift

Amid rampant speculation about a future engagement with girlfriend Taylor Swift, the Kansas City Chiefs star sat down for an interview with Good Morning America on Thursday. After discussing his relationship with brother Jason Kelce and new acting projects, he then expertly dodged a question about his love life!

Related: Taylor Swift BLASTS ‘Invasive’ Lady GaGa Pregnancy Rumors!

When asked about his plans for the next few years — outside of football, wink-wink! — the 34-year-old didn’t miss a beat, replying:

“I’m so in the present, man. Just being present during the now is something I really pride myself on. And I try not to get too far down the road because you just never know what opportunities are gonna present themselves. So I know I got a 2024 football season coming up that I’m pretty fired up about.”

LOLz! Ladies, if you ask your man about marriage, and he starts talking about living “in the present” you might want to start getting concerned! Granted, they have been dating less than a year — so maybe it’s everyone else who’s getting ahead of themselves?

In any case Trav did express a ton of gratitude for the major spike in popularity he’s received since linking up with the pop star, adding:

“I’m so fortunate and so grateful [for] everything that’s come my way in life. I feel like I’m on top of the mountain, even after winning the Super Bowl and having the off-season that I’m having. And just looking forward to what’s next in life, man… I’m so grateful. So appreciative. And yeah. Livin’ the dream, baby.”

It may not be an answer, but it does at least seem genuine. He’s clearly happy with everything in his life, so that’s a win. But we wonder if all this marriage talk lately is gonna get the wheels turning?! FWIW, Us Weekly sources previously insisted there’s no ring shopping in sight, saying late last month:

“Travis has no plans on proposing to Taylor anytime soon. It’s not even on his radar.”

Nothing wrong with taking their time! But if you always live in the present, you can miss some pretty big opportunities for a happier future. Just sayin’! See the full interview (below):

Reactions?! Do you think he might propose soon? Or will they take their time? Let us know your predictions (below)!